Friday, February 20, 2009

Ancient Chinese drowning ceromony...

The last time the spousal unit and yours truly ventured to the High Falls Hilton, we engaged in an interesting conversation with a family member that was extolling the virtues of the NETI pot.
For the unenlightened, a NETI pot is a teapot that you stick up your nose and "gently clean out your nasal passages with warm water".
In other words you attempt to drown yourself without actually drowning yourself. The last time I checked, which was the last time I inhaled, one is supposed to draw air into ones nasal cavities. I have heard tell of people that have actually DIED while trying to inhale water. Even if that water is "a gentle saline solution", which means water with salt in it. I guess the inventors of NETI never heard of people drowning in SALT WATER.
They must not have cable.
To continue, the instruction manual goes on to tell how the nasal cavity is the "first step in filtering impurities entering the body by using mucous and fine hairs", yuck. I mean we all know they are in there, we just don't talk about it, yuck.
And the instruction manual tells us that we need "to clean the filter regularly to allow it to operate efficiently". This is actually what I thought was happening when people pick their noses.
I could go on but I will spare you the rest. The short of it is lovely bride is now extolling the virtues of NETI, to me...yuck.
Every man out there knows the inevitable end to this story....yuck.
The really scary part is that all of the women out there know the inevitable end too.
And they are all laughing.


  1. Did she mention the amount of effluvium that the Neti may produce? Nasty.

  2. The Rog thinks NETI is close to religion - I know tha if I used it once - I would - how disgusting...and who could ever look at the sink again????

  3. The Rog - loves it...
    I would drown...

    Keri loves it ..

  4. I have shared a Neti pot with my father. That's how you know things have gotten out of hand.
